Fitter . faster . stronger.

Virtual cycling races and sports event management systems
ABOUT cyclico technologies
Cyclico Technologies was created assisting schools local and international, to generate alternative income with Virtual Cycling Races. The product was designed , developed and tested over the past 3 years. We are now proud to present and provide schools with this product and to host these FUN and EXCITING events.

live and online events

Cape to cairo
24Hr muscle burner race. An ultimate test of endurance and willpower to finish the race under 24Hr. This is a team event.
custom races
Schools can arrange their own races against their rival schools. Selecting amount of bikes, distance. time and date. So what are you waiting for, let's compete!
Top student / teacher
Schools select their top 10 Student and top Teachers that will compete in a high speed endurance race against other schools. The top 10 Students and top 10 Teachers will then compete to be crowned as TOP STUDENT and TOP TEACHER.

Services at Cyclico Technologies

Virtual Cycling Races
Sport Activity Management System